Two Black women walking a small dog on a leash along the Cobbs Creek Trail on the Circuit Trails

What is the Circuit?

Greater Philadelphia is the proud home of the Circuit Trails, a vast regional network of hundreds of miles of multi-use trails that is growing in size each year. The Circuit connects our local communities, providing endless opportunities for recreating and commuting. So whether you bike it, walk it, or run it, the point is — just enjoy it.

Explore the Circuit

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The more than 411 miles of trails that form the Circuit Trails network are your trails—and how you use them is up to you! And whether you choose to walk, run, ride, roll, play or simply be outside in nature, there are endless opportunities for you to get out and enjoy.

We’ve gathered a few resources to help you explore the Circuit Trails, enhance your trail experiences, discover events and new activities to try, and new memories.

The Circuit Trails interactive map by dvrpc

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Get Involved

Your support can help us add more miles to the network. Our short-term goal of funding 500 miles by 2025 is achievable but we need your help to make it happen. Take a couple of minutes to ask local leader to support the Circuit Trails.

Las más de 411 millas de senderos que forman la red de Circuit Trails son suyos, ¡y cómo los usa depende de usted! Y ya sea que elija caminar, correr, andar en bicicleta, andar, jugar o simplemente estar afuera en la naturaleza, hay infinitas oportunidades para que salga y disfrute.

Hemos reunido algunos recursos para ayudarlo a explorar Circuit Trails, mejorar sus experiencias de senderos, descubrir eventos y nuevas actividades para probar y generar nuevos recuerdos.

Mientras esté allí, cuéntenos cómo le va en los Circuit Trails y qué los hace especiales para usted a través de #OnTheCircuit y etiquétenos en FacebookInstagramTwitter TikTok.

No se pierda:

walking and running graphic

Biking graphic

self-guided experiences graphic