Forging Ahead: 500 Miles by 2025


It is just three days into the New Year, and we are filled with optimism for the year ahead. We enter the new year with a big goal in mind: building 500 miles of trails by 2025. It’s our goal, it’s our rallying cry, and, most importantly, we think it’s achievable.

As momentum builds and funding sources continue to be secured, the Circuit Trails are rapidly developing across the region and residents are increasingly asking for more trails. In our quest to build 500 miles by 2025, we know that we must focus one year at a time, while continuing to build the pipeline of trails for years to come. 2017 will be a critical year in the journey, so let’s take a look at what this year has in store.

In 2017, nearly 20 miles of new trails are expected to open on the Circuit including new trails in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Among the new trails will be the Trenton Wellness Loop in Mercer County (1.2 miles), three new segments of the Schuylkill River Trail in Philadelphia (1.1 miles) and two in Montgomery County (2 miles), Cooper’s Poynt Trail in Camden (0.50 miles), and 4.7 miles on the Delaware River Heritage Trail in Burlington County. And that’s not all! There are 20 new trail segments expected to open in 2017.

While we push to build 500 miles by 2025, we will continue to keep an eye on the big picture of an interconnected network of more than 750 miles of trails in the nine-county region. Throughout the year, we may need your help to be a positive voice for trail development across the region. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and sign up to receive the Circuit Trails newsletter to stay up-to-date on advocacy opportunities, trail openings, and events across the Circuit in 2017.