Date(s) - April 1, 2023
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
We have very exciting plans for this service day. We will be closing Lincoln Drive (the only main road that runs right next to the creek within Wissahickon Valley Park) from Wissahickon Avenue down to Ridge Avenue for a large-scale litter clean-up! We have two meeting locations for this morning, at both ends of the clean-up area, with both groups working toward each other on Lincoln Drive. Come help us make this often travelled section of the park cleaner! The event will be cancelled in inclement weather.
We have two meeting locations for this morning, at both ends of the clean-up area, with both groups working toward each other on Lincoln Drive. Wear warm layers and come help us make this often travelled section of the park cleaner! Inclement weather cancels the event.