Celebrate Memorial Day, Safely

With stay-at-home measures still in place for the Greater Philadelphia and south New Jersey region, annual Memorial Day festivities and unofficial start of summer are going to look a little different this year.

Safety continues to remain a top priority, as many of our Circuit Trails Coalition members have ensured that the typical vibrant weekend-long celebrations will continue. They’ve transitioned traditional Memorial Day Weekend happenings to virtual festivities that you can enjoy from home. Get ready for the upcoming summer season with these four fun ways celebrate Memorial Day, safely.

Photo courtesy of REI

Spend Time in Nature                                                                                                                  

Whether you live close to a Circuit Trail, local park or other outdoor space in your neighborhood, take some time over the weekend to relax and get some fresh air! Not sure where the closest Circuit Trail is to you? Find trails close to home here. If you do plan on getting outside for a solo, run or ride, remember to follow all CDC recommendations to keep yourself and others safe, such as maintaining at least 6 feet between yourself and others, coming prepared with a cloth face covering, and avoiding gatherings with people outside your household. Before planning your outdoor adventure, be sure to check the operational status of the trails; you can use TrailLink.com to access trail management contact information to.

Photo by the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation

Soak Up the Sounds of Summer

Missing the calming sounds of ocean waves? Thanks to the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation you can bring the sounds of the Philadelphia waterfront to wherever you call home! Jam out to their special multi-genre playlist curated by local mix-masters Chris Ward and Kevin Ngo, as well as DRWC Content Creator Darnell Schoolfield. Listen in here.

Photo courtesy of New Jersery Conservation Foundation

Observe Your Environment

Join the New Jersey statewide Bioblitz! There’s still time for you to get in on the fun of identifying specifies in your local environment. The New Jersey Statewide Bioblitz, created by our friends at the New Jersey Conservation Foundation, runs through the end of May. If you are off for the holiday, use this three-day weekend to survey your local neighborhood to find as many species as you can! Right now, it’s important that we play it safe, so please keep your exploration close to home. To participate, download the iNautralist app on your smartphone and then start uploading your observations to the New Jersey Statewide Bioblitz – May 2020 project. Need help getting started? Here’s a breakdown of how to participate.

Photo by Matt Stanley

Savor the Summer Flavors

The Delaware River Waterfront is a beloved summer destination, featuring great outdoor spaces like Spruce Street Harbor Park, Cherry Street Pier and Blue Cross Riverrink Summerfest. Right now, they’re helping to deliver those summer vibes to you by bringing the fabulous foods and drinks to your home.  Until we can visit these waterfront favorites in person, learn how to make a tasty beer cocktail, Skelly’s Amusements Deep-Fried Oreos and more yummy treats here!

Show us how you are celebrating the unofficial start of summer safely from home or solo #OnTheCircuit by tagging us in your posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Stay safe and stay well!