Circuit Trails Coalition Optimistic About Spring Garden Street Connector Progress One Year After Funding Secured

Representatives from the Circuit Trails Coalition today expressed their optimism that the City of Philadelphia is moving forward on contracting for the engineering design of the Spring Garden Street Connector, which is projected to be a $50 million investment in transportation safety and green stormwater infrastructure. The corridor is a priority project for the coalition that is working to connect over 800 miles of trails across the Greater Philadelphia region because it will create new walking and biking access to jobs, services and amenities along Spring Garden Street, from Schuylkill Banks to the Delaware River Trail.

Leaders and advocates gathered at Spring Garden Street Connector funding announcement in August 2022.

“We’re glad to see real progress on the Spring Garden Street Connector a year after the Circuit Coalition helped to secure $3 million in private and public funds to supplement city funds for design,” said Sarah Clark Stuart, co-chair of the Circuit Trails Coalition and executive director of the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia.

“We’re at a critical juncture for the city and for the Spring Garden neighborhood. For more than a decade, residents and community leaders have shared their frustrations and their expectations that they’ll be able to walk and bike safely where they need to go. Thousands of people have raised their voice in support of the Connector. As the Kenney Administration winds down, we are counting on them to deliver on their promise to residents and lock in this design contract. That’s what it will take to get the Connector done in the near-term, unlocking tens of millions of dollars in public funds that are already allocated for the project and delivering what the community wants and deserves,” said Stuart.

The 2.1-mile project is an important segment that will serve neighborhood residents by providing safe access to local schools, businesses and residences via regional and national trail networks and linking the hugely popular Schuylkill River Trails and Delaware River Trails. It is envisioned as a separated and safe bicycling facility that families, children, older adults and people with disabilities would be comfortable using.