Circuit Trails Network Centered in Landmark Funding Moment

A young man and women wearing casual clothes walking on the paved Chester Creek Trail.

The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) has released the draft FY2025 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Pennsylvania, proposing landmark funding for the Circuit Trails in four major corridors–Spring Garden Street Greenway, Cross County Trail, Chester Valley Trail and Route 291 Trail/East Coast Greenway. The draft TIP includes $120 million in federal Carbon Reduction Program funding to connect significant segments of the Circuit Trails. Paired with other funding sources, the total potential investment in the Circuit Trails Network is more than $200 million.

This significant level of investment will create new connections and close critical gaps in the Circuit Trails network, ensuring more people have access to a safe and inexpensive alternative means of getting to jobs, doing errands, and enjoying outdoor recreation and exercise whether or not people have cars. And beyond improving quality of life for residents, this infrastructure amplifies the region’s climate resiliency. Nationwide, increases in connected trails and active transportation infrastructure is estimated to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 12 million tons annually and are an essential component of a low- or no-carbon transportation system.

This incredible investment in the connectivity of corridors has created a once-in-a-generation opportunity for Pennsylvania to lead the nation and create a model for how Carbon Reduction Program funds can be leveraged to create trail and active transportation networks. 

Connected trail and active transportation systems are at the center of this landmark moment due to the support and collaboration of county commissioners in Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties and the support of partners across the region. 

In 2023, $41.7 million in federal, state and local funds were secured for multiple Circuit Trails projects, including a $19 million federal RAISE grant for the Camden County LINK Trail, and the Route 291/East Coast Greenway project in the City of Chester was the recent recipient of a $2.5 million federal Neighborhood Access and Equity grant. This influx of funding further establishes the clear momentum to achieve the Circuit Trails Coalition’s goal of completing 500 miles by 2025 and creating connectivity to provide safe, convenient walking and biking routes for the entire Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey region.

Act Now to Support the Circuit Trails for the 2025 PA TIP

The Circuit Trails Coalition is calling on the public to quickly take action to demonstrate support for this investment to ensure all proposed Circuit Trails projects are included in the final TIP. DVRPC’s public comment period goes through 5:00 p.m. on June 24 and residents across the region are encouraged to comment in support of these landmark investments.