D.C. Trails Harness Power of Coalition
Authored By: The Circuit Trails | January 19, 2017

“A well-connected regional trail network promises to transform public life by linking diverse communities, promoting healthy lifestyles and building sustainable local economies.”
Sound like a familiar refrain? This quote from Rails-to-Trails’ Liz Thorstenen could easily be about the Circuit Trails, but Thorstenen was actually referring to the trail system in the Washington D.C. area, which continues to make major strides towards connectivity.
Like we did a handful of years ago, the D.C. area is looking to harness the power of a coalition to unite their trails in a unified system. A newly-founded coalition, called the Capital Trails Coalition, will help to unite existing trail systems and provide more connectivity, access and transportation to people in the area. More than 40 trail and transportation groups will work together to create a thriving trail network.
We know the value of a coalition made up of dedicated member groups working towards the same goal. Our greatest successes on the Circuit have come from the tireless efforts of the Circuit Trails Coalition members, and we know that the D.C. area trails will reap similar benefits. We are happily dreaming of the day when the Circuit Trails and the Capital Trails are linked by the East Coast Greenway, allowing seamless travel up and down our coast via the trails.
We couldn’t be more excited for our friends at the Capital Trails Coalition and we look forward to opportunities to learn together. Read more about the Capital Trails Coalition in the Rails-to-Trails Winter 2017 magazine.