Fall for the Season


Whether it is the cool nights, pumpkin-spiced everything, or possibly your love for football season, we can all agree there is something to appreciate about the Fall. One of the greatest gifts of the season is the blankets of color that transform our landscapes.  If you are looking to take full advantage of this fall foliage, and maybe snap an Insta-worthy pic along the way, look no further than some of our most scenic Circuit Trails! We've compiled a small taste of these lush Fall backdrops. Grab something pumpkin flavored, put on a sweater and take a look! (Want to take a closer look? Click here to enlarge the collage!) 


We want to see your best Fall trail shots! Send us your photos on Instagram (@thecircuittrails), Twitter (@circuittrails) or Facebook (@TheCircuitTrails) and be sure to use the hashtags #onthecircuit and #fallfoliage. Give us your best shot!