Funding Alert: Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program
Authored By: The Circuit Trails | June 22, 2017

Funding alert! Alternative transportation projects like the Circuit Trails are vital additions to our communities, and there are opportunities to access dedicated funding to help bring these projects to life! Our friends at the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia shared this information on their blog, and we are reposting it here. Consider sharing this information with your local officials who can inquire about the program for your area.
Applications are now being accepted for the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program, which can help fund intermodel transportation projects like the Circuit Trails.
In early July, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) will begin accepting applications for the “Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program” (TA Set-Aside). This was previously known as the “Transportation Alternatives Program” (TAP).
The TA Set-Aside will function largely as TAP funding used to, with most changes being procedural. As such, the funding will continue to come from federal highway and transit resources. These funds are for community-based “non traditional” projects that are geared towards strengthening the nation’s intermodal transportation system. Resources are often used to build pedestrian, bicycle, and transit-access facilities.
The TA Set-Aside will bring more than $11 million to the 9-county Philadelphia region.
If you know of a project in your area that could benefit from this, we encourage you to reach out to your local mayor, councilmembers, planners or commissioners and encourage them to contact DVRPC to inquire about this grant opportunity. You can also attend a webinar on July 13th to learn more about the TAP Set Aside program. Link here.
This information was originally posted on the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia’s blog on June 19, 2017.