How the Circuit Trails Can Help You Accomplish Your New Year’s Resolutions
Authored By: The Circuit Trails | January 2, 2020

For most, the New Year is symbolic of a fresh start – another 365 days for us to write our story however we’d like. This blank page mentality often brings about a time of reflection, which may even lead to the creation of New Year’s resolutions. From healthy habits and gym memberships to financial changes, people are looking to make changes in their daily routine.
Need some resolution assistance? We searched through some of the most popular resolutions so you don’t have to, and found three that we know you can conquer in the new year! And lucky for you, all three of these resolutions can be accomplished by just doing one thing that won’t cost you a penny – getting #onthecircuit! Take a look below to see how spending more time #onthecircuit can help you accomplish your 2020 resolutions.
Photo by Thom Carroll
Spend less time in front of screens
Feel like you spent way too much time in 2019 tethered to your phone, computer and Netflix? You’re not alone! Our society is torn between the need to always be “in-the-know” to avoid our fear of missing out, and the need to experience more and be present in the moment. Though it might be very difficult to let go of our devices, doing so can be so rewarding. This year, make time to put down your device and explore the trails #onthecircuit. The trails are bursting with beautiful scenery that will take your eyes off the screen and into the skies. Plan a weekly trek with friends or family to help you stay focused on your goal. And do you know what the best part is? There are more than 330 miles of completed trails #onthecircuit, which means you can explore a different mile almost every day for the entire year if you wanted to! There’s always something new to discover.
Photo by Thom Carroll
Make a conscious effort to exercise
There’s something about the New Year that makes everyone want to get in shape. This one should be pretty obvious, but just in case you forgot – the trails on the Circuit are a great FREE place to exercise! You can walk, run or ride the trails to help you reach your goals. Plus, trails on the Circuit can also connect you to some great open spaces, including parks, where you can get a quick session of strength training or interval workouts in without having to pay for a gym membership. And if you’re the type to excel with a bit of added motivation, consider joining one of the weekly walking groups #onthecircuit! Meet up with a group of people once a week to walk through the beautiful trails #onthecircuit. Keep an eye on our events page page for opportunities like this in 2020!
Photo courtesy of Riverfront North Partnership
Become a more engaged citizen
We’re sure you already know this, but 2020 is an important election year, so nowadays civic duty is rising to the top of people’s minds. To be a more engaged citizen doesn’t just mean to vote in elections – there’s other routes you can pursue to filter civic engagement into your weekly routines. Start advocating for causes that are important to you – like building out the Circuit Trails Network. Get involved with one of the many great trail friend groups or organizations #onthecircuit! Be a part of the change within your community by going to meetings, volunteering at clean-up and spreading the world about the wonderful trails that can connect you from town to city to even a different state!
Make this year the year you take full advantage of one of America’s largest trail networks! Explore the miles and miles of wonderful routes that traverse you through breathtaking scenes. Find the perfect trails to keep you on the path to accomplishing your New Year’s resolutions in 2020.