Looking Back and Ahead: Circuit Trails 2015 Annual Report

Looking Back

As we prepare for our exciting launch this month, we thought we would take a moment to reflect on the past year.  2015 was a very busy year for the Circuit Trails with 9.15 miles of trail built, including some key connectors which advance our goal of building a comprehensive network throughout the region that connects communities and provides active transportation options.

In addition, here are some of the other highlights from 2015:

  • The Manayunk Bridge opened connecting Montgomery County’s Cynwyd Heritage Trail with Philadelphia’s Ivy Ridge Trail (pending) and the Schuylkill River Trail. In addition to offering a critical link and a beautiful view, the Manayunk Bridge represents a triumph in multi-jurisdictional cooperation.
  • In June, the five Southeastern Pennsylvania counties and the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission dedicated $5 million in federal funds for construction of seven specific trail segments via a new line item to the FY2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program. At the same time, DVRPC awarded $1.9 million in grants for eleven Pennsylvania trail segments from the Regional Trail Fund that the William Penn Foundation capitalized in late 2014 with $7.5 million in funding for trail development.
  • Olivia Glenn was elected as the Circuit Trails Coalition vice chair representing New Jersey.
  • The Schuylkill River Trail was voted Best Urban Trail by USA Today’s 10Best.  

You can read about these accomplishments and more in the Circuit Trails 2015 Annual Report

For a preview of what future may bring beyond 2016 you can view our Circuit Pipeline Report that details the Trails that have Feasibility Studies in progress or complete as of November 2015 and will be moving up the pipeline to seek funding for design and construction.