Loops and Lanes: Opening Trenton’s Wellness Loop Bicycle Lanes

Have you heard the great news? Thanks to the completion of the Wellness Loop bicycle lane project in downtown Trenton, we are one step closer to reaching our goal of reaching 500 miles of trails #onthecircuit by 2025!

Photo courtesy of D&R Greenway Land Trust

Trail users can soon enjoy 1.5 miles of new bike lanes in Trenton, which begin at mile marker zero along the D&R Canal Towpath Trail. The Wellness Loop features on-street bike lane striping, signage and wayfinding through Trenton’s downtown.

The Loop will connect to a larger trail segment that will reconnect the D&R Canal Towpath through Trenton’s streets to a section of the D&R Canal in Hamilton Township.

This calls for a celebration! To help officially dedicate and open the Wellness Loop, join the Circuit Trails, Trenton Mayor Reed Gusciora, City Council Members, D&R Greenway Land Trust and other project partners for a ribbon-cutting ceremony and opening ride on Thursday, November 8.

Meet at the Trenton Battle Monument at 348 North Warren Street on November 8 at 3 p.m. to get the party started! Be sure to bring your bicycle to the dedication with you, because after the ribbon cutting there we be an ‘inaugural ride’ around the loop.

Can’t make it to the dedication to check out the new bicycle lane loops for yourself? Don’t stress! Take a look at the video here to see the finished Trenton Wellness Loop project.

Whether you make it out on November 8 or later in the year, don’t forget to snap a few pics of you enjoying the new piece of the Circuit! Upload them to social media using the hashtag #onthecircuit so we can ride along with you on your adventures #onthecircuit!