New Trails Mark the Arrival of Spring


On April 8, we will mark the official beginning of trail season. All over the region, we will be celebrating a season that brings time outdoors with family and friends, new trails to explore and new adventures to enjoy. For the Circuit Trails, the 2017 trail season will be marked with more than 10 new trails opening across the region. From Delaware County to Trenton, new trails will be popping up all season long.  We wanted to give you a sneak peek of just three of the exciting new trails opening this Spring.  Each of these new additions will bring us closer to our goal of 500 miles of trails by 2025!

Chester Creek Trail (Phase 1)

This long-awaited 2.8-mile rail-trail in the heart of Delaware County follows the Chester Creek from Middletown to Aston. The trail runs along the Civil War-era Chester Creek Branch Line of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and offers a quiet, wooded escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. After a ribbon cutting on April 8, this trail will officially open to the public! Phase II of the trail, which will add an additional 1.5 miles of new trail, has recently received new funding from the County.

Bartram’s Mile Trail

The Schuylkill River Trail will add several new segments this year. On April 22, the 1.1-mile Bartram’s Mile segment will open in Southwest Philadelphia. This new trail runs from Grays Ferry Avenue to 56th Street, and provides an important connection point in the Circuit Trails by opening Southwest Philadelphia to Center City. Bartram’s Mile significantly expands the trails around the historic Bartram’s Garden—the oldest surviving botanic garden in North America. Further north on the Schuylkill River Trail, the South Street to Christian Street segment is expected to open later this year.

K&T Trail (Phase 1)

An important addition to the North Delaware Greenway Trail, this 1.15-mile trail runs from Lardner’s Point Park along the Delaware River to the Frankford Boat Launch, taking over the path of the former Kensington and Tacony Railroad. Scheduled to open on May 15, Phase 1 of this trail will connect residents in the Wissinoming and Tacony neighborhoods back to the riverfront. 

These are just three of more than 10 trails that will open on the Circuit Trails this season, with additions in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania. In addition to providing more safe, clean and beautiful recreational areas to communities across the region, each opening brings us closer to our goal of 500 miles of trails by 2025.

And as a friendly reminder, don’t forget to register for our attempt at breaking the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title for the longest fist-bump relay! You could be a part of history (and win a Fuji Bike), so don’t miss it.