Opening Day for Trails: UPDATE
Authored By: The Circuit Trails | April 6, 2018

So, the funny thing about this “spring” season is that it’s apparently having an identity crisis! As we were gearing up for this weekend’s Opening Day for Trails celebration, we noticed that “spring” can’t seem to shake “winter” as more snow is in the forecast. (Seriously, can this be over already??) Due to the potential inclement weather, some of the Circuit’s Opening Day for Trails activities will be postponed or rescheduled. For an update on the activities that are changing and those that will still be taking place (yes, there are some!), keep checking our events page, our Facebook and our Twitter.
We won’t let crazy weather get our spirits down, though, and we certainly hope you won’t either! The spirit of Opening Day will just extend a little longer this year as rescheduled events happen in the coming weeks. See you #onthecircuit soon!