Philly No. 7 in Alliance for Biking and Walking’s New Report

Hip-Hip Hooray! According to the Alliance for Biking and Walking’s new report, Philadelphia ranked seventh among big cities that bike or walk to work with 10.6 percent of the population cycling or strolling to work. That’s worth celebrating!

According to the report, 8.5 percent of Philadelphians walk to work, which places us sixth in the country in the walking category. Under the biking category, 2.1 percent of Philadelphians commute to work via bicycle, which places us in 10th place. The cities that beat us were Boston, Washington D.C., San Francisco, New York, Portland and Seattle.

In recent posts, we’ve spotlighted Philadelphians who commute via bicycle such as Stuart Leon, Mark Fallon and Jonathan DeHart. “Commuting by bike benefits one’s health and fitness,” Jonathan DeHart told us. “As humans we were designed to physically work hard and find time to unwind for R&R. We really need to be outside daily, moving and exerting ourselves! This is especially important for those of us with primarily desk jockey jobs.”

A car-free commute has a lot of benefits – both personally and for the environment. With this beautiful weather we’ve been having, there has never been a better time to dust off your bike, or walking shoes and start a new commute to work. Head over to The Circuit to plan your new commute #onthecircuit and help the City of Brotherly Love climb the rankings in next year’s report.

To learn more about the report, read Philly Mag’s take here.