Prize Palooza! #CircuitExplorers Can Win Big This Week

We want to give a big shout out to all our Circuit Trails enthusiasts who have been traveling #onthecircuit all summer long playing in our Circuit Trails Scavenger Hunt. Before the Scavenger Hunt ends on Friday, September 20, we’d like to reward some of our most dedicated Circuit Explorers with some really great prizes during something we like to call Prize Palooza!

Starting Friday, September 13, we will be giving away one prize pack every day for an entire week. You have seven chances to win, and all you have to do to enter is participate in the Scavenger Hunt. 

If you’ve already been exploring and completing the tasks on the Scavenger Hunt Checklists, then keep up the great work. Each additional post you publish with #CircuitExplorer will earn you another entry to the win one of the prizes throughout the week AND the grand prize pack featuring the best of all, a brand new BIKE!  Haven’t started playing yet? Don’t sweat it! Whether you started back in June or you start you search today, you entry still counts. Take a look below for a quick refresher on how to play in the Circuit Trails Scavenger Hunt so you can be one of our Prize Palooza big winners. 

How to Become a #CircuitExplorer

To play, simply:

Working your way through the checklist will lead you to great treasure – the grand prize pack, which include a brand new bicycle! But wait, there’s more! During each month there will be a special Treasure Task – a special challenge featuring Treasure Map destinations. Those who complete the Treasure Tasks will be entered to win additional prize packs from the Circuit Trails Coalition members each month!

September’s Treasure Task is to visit one of the Alliance for Watershed Education Centers #onthecircuit. Completing this task will enter you to win the Treasure Task, Prize Pallooza, and Grand prize packs! 

So what are you waiting for? The treasure is out there, now it’s time to explore to find it! Grab some pals, maybe pack some lunch, and discover some of the most beautiful locations that Pennsylvania and New Jersey have to offer.