Step into the Start of Trail Season on Opening Day
Authored By: The Circuit Trails | April 8, 2019

Our favorite day of the year is just around the corner! Opening Day for Trails is Saturday, April 13, and to celebrate the members of the Circuit Trails Network will be hosting an array of events throughout the trails #onthecircuit. From walks and runs to spring clean-ups, tree plantings, and a kite making and flying class – there’s something for everyone to do #onthecircuit for Opening Day. Take a deeper look at Cobbs Creek Trail’s Healthy Trail Walk, one of the many events you can explore during Opening Day!
Photo credit PhillyFunGuide
A dose of sunshine and a walk on the trail is just what the doctor ordered! As a part of Opening Day of Trails events, RTC, Friends of Cobbs Creek, Nature PHL and Cobbs Creek Recreation Center have partnered to bring a healthy trail walk to Cobbs Creek Trail on Saturday, April 13. Join us from 10 a.m. to noon as we walk along the trail with doctors from CHOP Primary Care. You’ll be able to meet with pediatricians who are prescribing outdoor activity and time in nature – so be sure to bring your kids and plenty of questions! Did we mention there will be free refreshments and swag? All the more reason to come out and celebrate #RTCOpeningDay for Trails with us!
Photo courtesy of the Friends of Cobbs Creek
If you’re looking for more opportunities like this, consider attending one of our Prescribe-A-Trail events throughout trail season. Prescribe-a-Trail (PAT) is a program, provided by Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC), which is designed to connect hundreds of walkers in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and help them step into a healthier lifestyle. During each Prescribe-a-Trail outing, Philadelphia-area hospitals and health-care organizations lead community members on local trails #onthecircuit to promote exercise, good nutrition and healthy lifestyles. Typically covering 2 to 4 miles, the walks include a brief but thoughtful talk by a doctor, nurse or other clinician on a health-related topic, after which the participants take a stroll with their clinician. This is the perfect time to get any health-related questions you might have answered by a trained professional.
We can’t wait to see you all out and about #onthecircuit on Saturday, April 13 for the Opening Day for Trails! Be sure to tag us in all your celebrations throughout the day by using the hashtags #onthecircuit and #RTCOpeningDay!