Take Action to Support Funding for the Circuit Trails


Fellow Circuit Trail supporters! We have a new opportunity to show support for funding the Circuit Trails. Every month, elected officials and agency staff from the nine-county region meet to discuss plans and how to spend federal and state capital dollars on the region's transportation networks. During the month of June, several proposals that impact the Circuit Trails will be decided by this body, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission.

It's important for these officials to hear from the public that there is support for advancing the Circuit. Please take a few minutes to submit a comment (if you live in New Jersey) or send an email letter (if you live in Pennsylvania) to thank the officials and express support for these proposals. We also ask you to add an additional "ask" for the New Jersey officials.

New Jersey Residents: If you live in Gloucester, Camden, Burlington or Mercer counties, please submit a comment using this form. Deadline: June 22nd.  Feel free to cut and past this sample comment and personalize it:

“Thank you for approving the expenditure of Regional Trail Funds for these segments of Circuit Trails in New Jersey.  I support funding the New Jersey Circuit Trails and I ask that these trail segments be added to the NJ TIP."  

Pennsylvania Residents: If you live in Delaware, Chester, Montgomery, Philadelphia or Bucks counties, please send an email letter expressing support for funding certain Circuit Trails that are included in the Draft  FY17 PA TIP that will be adopted by the end of July.  Deadline: June 27th.

Thank you for taking action to support Circuit Trails!