Three Fun Solo Activities You Can Do #OnTheCircuit

As we continue to navigate these unprecedented times, you might find yourself struggling with ways to keep active and avoid going stir crazy.

Lucky for us, there are several activities you can do on and around the Circuit Trails that comply with our region’s current stay-at-home orders—which permit you to leave your home for essentials, including getting outside for fresh air and exercise, as long as you maintain a safe social distance of at least 6 feet between yourself and others and wear a cloth mask when out in public as recommended by the CDC.

To inspire you, here are three fun solo activities you can do #onthecircuit

Photo by Frank Miles/UFSWS

Go Birding

Try mixing up your walks this week by giving birding a go! The Circuit Trails are home to many different species of birds, so test out your photography skills by trying to capture these flighty creatures on film or break out your binoculars to see how many birds you can identify. And for the birds you may not be readily familiar with, you can note them for a later at-home research project. For tips, check out

Photo by Jenny Hill on Unsplash

Run Your Own Race

We know this sounds obvious, but running by yourself can be very enjoyable and therapeutic. If the race you were training for was cancelled or postponed, you can take to the trails to keep up the momentum and let off some steam.

Challenge yourself to hit a new PR or race your friends virtually! Join Philadelphia Runner’s #PRSolo Challenge by tracking your miles and submitting them for a chance to win gift cards, Philadelphia Runner swag and more! If you want to log more miles, sign up for the Clean Air Council’s Run For Clean Air; this popular Earth Day run is going online this year, so you can join the virtual celebration for Earth Day’s 50th anniversary while getting in your cardio. Learn more about how you can register and earn a medal here.

Photo by Katee Lue on Unsplash

Try a Yoga Class

We could all use a little stress relief these days, which is why you might want to try taking a trip to a park or trail near you for some yoga or meditation. Never done yoga before? You’re in luck! Many fitness centers and studios are offering free online classes a few times each day. Simply, bring your phone to the trail and tune in online to have your own personal yoga session out in the open air—but be sure to make sure the area isn’t overcrowded and has plenty of open space before you get started.

These activities are a great way to stay active while also social distancing. But remember, solo doesn’t mean alone–you stay connected to the entire Circuit Trails community by posting your solo outing on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, tagging us and using the hashtag #onthecircuit.

Please note: As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve locally, before visiting any trail, we recommend that you take precautions by doing the following:

  • Seek out and follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) most current public health and safety guidance at
  • Refer to the guidance provided by your local/state government for more specific information about your community.
  • Check with the local trail management organization to confirm the status of trail facilities. While we expect many trails to remain open, it will be important to confirm before you head out. That contact information is available when accessing individual trail records at
  • If you plan to visit a trail, be prepared that some trails may have limited services, including closed facilities such as bathrooms, depots and visitor centers, and limited or no staff.