Date(s) - June 11, 2022
10:00 am - 12:30 pm
495-501 Lower Fricks Lock Road, Pottstown, PA
Frick’s Lock Village; located at 495-501 Lower Fricks Lock Road, Pottstown; is a hamlet consisting of buildings dating to the 1700s. The section of canal through Fricks Locks Village was located about 100 feet north of the 1757 farmhouse. The double lock was located about 250 feet west of the farmhouse. The canal contributed to the growth of Fricks Locks Village as it did with all its stopover points and trading locations. (For a more detailed description, read the short history below and see the wikipedia page.)
The East Coventry Township Historical Commission (ECHC) – Fricks Locks Volunteer Committee and Exelon host Fricks Locks Village Tours on an ongoing basis. The tours will be held at 10:00 am, 11:15 am, and 12:30 pm on the following dates:
May 28, 2022
June 11 & 25, 2022
July 9 & 23, 2022
August 13 & 27, 2022
September 10 & 24, 2022
October 8 & 22, 2022
(Cancellations will be posted after 12:00 noon on Friday preceding tour date)
Volunteers Welcome
The ECHC is seeking volunteers for the Oral History Committee. Although much of our history comes from research of various historical archives such as government records and newspapers, oral histories make our records come alive! Oral histories record local residents’ memories of everyday family life and special events. The ECHC is seeking volunteers for the Oral History Committee to volunteer to assist in recording oral histories.
If you’re interested in volunteering for one of the above mentioned Committees or wish further information, call the Township Office at (610) 495-5443.