Date(s) - July 21, 2023
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
8601 Lindbergh Blvd, Philadelphia, PA
Free TrailOff event this Friday! At John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge on Archery 🏹 Night, walk Jacob Winterstein’s TrailOff story The Land Remembers with the Swim Pony crew.
In the late 1950’s as part of Urban Renewal, Philadelphia displaced over 8,000 residents from Eastwick aka The Meadows. The area was one of Philly’s only harmoniously integrated neighborhoods at a time when many racist housing policies were legal. In The Land Remembers, Nick (aka Nickel, aka Abe aka Abraham) reminisces about his last days living there.
The story is about 1.3 miles or ~40 min. Join a group walk at 4:15, 5:15 and 6:15, or enjoy it solo. Yes it will be hot, but YES we’ll have snacks, water and prizes ⚡️👀🥳! Bring headphones and your phone. (You can experience the story on Android or iPhone FREE any time the Refuge is open.)
John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge
8601 Lindbergh Blvd, Philadelphia, PA
Friday, July 21 from 4 – 7 pm
Free event, no registration
TrailOff @trailoff_app is created in partnership with the PA Environmental Council @paenvironmentalcouncil for The Circuit Trails @thecircuittrails to bring new and diverse perspectives to the great outdoors!